Ballet with Deborah Wingert | Advanced
Ballet with Dancio
1h 0m
Advanced Ballet with Deborah Wingert is a 60 minute online dance class. This class is geared toward the accomplished dancer looking for a complete class. It includes a full barre, and a center including tendus, adagio, a variety of pirouettes, petite allegro, medium allegro and grand allegro, all with thoughtful and encouraging corrections and dialogue.
A quote from the teacher: “I love working with dancers to create an inner sense of command so they can move from a place of intelligence and confidence. To me, ballet is a practice....we do it to keep our instrument, the body, ready to do what we need it to do!”
Music: Kai Ono
Dancers: Sophia Barakett and Audrey Chafee
Up Next in Ballet with Dancio
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